1. Mode Displays currently operating mode.
2. Operation State From Repeat/Random(Shuffle)/ Scan, displays the currently operating function.
3. File Index Displays the current file number.
4. File Info Displays information about the current file.
5. Play/Pause Changes the play/pause state.
6. Play Time Displays the current play time.
7. Info Displays detailed information for the current file.
8. Random(Shuffle) Turns the Random(Shuffle) feature on/off.
9. Repeat Turns the Repeat feature on/off.
10. Copy Copies the current file into My Music.
11. List Moves to the list screen.
Hyundai Tucson (LM) 2010-2015 Service Manual: Clutch Cover And Disc Components and Components Location
1. Clutch disc2. Clutch cover3. Manual transaxle 4. Engine flywheel5. Clutch release bearing6. Clutch release fork
Hyundai Tucson (LM) 2010-2015 Service Manual: Input Speed Sensor Repair procedures
Check signal waveform of Input & output speed sensor using the GDS.
Specification: Refer to "Signal Wave Form" section.
Remove the valve body assembly.
(Refer to Hydraulic System - "Valve Body")
Disconnect the input & output speed sensor conn ...