1. Mode Displays currently operating mode.
2. Operation State From Repeat/Random(Shuffle)/ Scan, displays the currently operating function.
3. File Index Displays the current file number.
4. File Info Displays information about the current file.
5. Play/Pause Changes the play/pause state.
6. Play Time Displays the current play time.
7. Info Shows detailed information about the current file.
8. Random(Shuffle) Turns the Random(Shuffle) feature on/off.
9. Repeat Turns the Repeat feature on/off.
10. Copy Copies the current file into My Music
11. List Moves to the list screen.
Hyundai Tucson (LM) 2010-2015 Owners Manual: Voice recognition
Using Voice Recognition
Starting Voice Recognition
Shortly press the key on the
steering wheel. Say a command.
If prompt feedback is in [ON], then the system will say “Please say a command
after the beep (BEEP)”
If prompt feedback is in [OFF] mode, then the system will only s ...
Hyundai Tucson (LM) 2010-2015 Service Manual: Repair procedures
On-vehicle Inpection
First of all, check for DTCs. If a DTC is present, perform
troubleshooting in accordance with the procedure for that DTC. (Refer to
DTC guide)
Check that the battery cables are connected to the correct termina ...