When hazardous driving conditions are encountered such as water, snow, ice, mud or sand:
Drive cautiously and allow extra distance for braking.
Avoid sudden movements in braking or steering.
If stuck in snow, mud, or sand, use second gear. Accelerate slowly to avoid spinning the drive wheels.
Downshifting with an automatic transaxle, while driving on slippery surfaces can cause an accident. The sudden change in tire speed could cause the tires to skid. Be careful when downshifting on slippery surfaces.
Use sand, rock salt, or other non-slip material under the drive wheels to provide traction when stalled in ice, snow, or mud.
Hyundai Tucson (LM) 2010-2015 Service Manual: Windshield Deicer Repair procedures
Remove the cowl top cover.
(Refer to the wiper)
Disconnect the windshield deicer connector (A) from the wiper motor linkage.
Check for continuity between the terminals of deicer lines.
Turn the ignition switch ON and the windshield deicer switch
ON, then mea ...
Hyundai Tucson (LM) 2010-2015 Service Manual: Speakers Repair procedures
Troubleshooting for Speaker
Basic inspection of speaker
Inspect the sound from speaker after verifying that the
speaker mounting screws are removed and the wiring connector is
connected to remove any possible vibration transmitted from body trims
and surrounding parts. ...