1. Mode Displays currently operating mode.
2. Operation State From Repeat/Random(Shuffle), displays the currently operating function.
3. Song Index Displays the current song/total number of songs.
4. Song Info Displays information about the current song.
5. Play/Pause Changes the play/pause state.
6. Play Time Displays the current play time.
7. Random(Shuffle) Turns the Random(Shuffle) feature on/off.
8. Repeat Turns the Repeat feature on/off.
9. List Moves to the list screen.
Hyundai Tucson (LM) 2010-2015 Owners Manual: Important safety precautions
You will find many safety precautions and recommendations throughout this section,
and throughout this manual. The safety precautions in this section are among the
most important.
Always wear your seat belt
A seat belt is your best protection in all types of accidents. Air bags are designed
Hyundai Tucson (LM) 2010-2015 Service Manual: Oil Pump Components and Components Location
1. Reaction shaft support assembly2. Oil pump housing3. Driven gear4. Drive gear5. Oil seal6. Bushing-housing7. Reaction shaft8. Bushing-reaction shaft9. Sleeve10. Flange bolt
Oil Pump Operation Flow
1. Inhale (Oil filter)2. Inhale (Valve body)3. Outlet4. 26/B operation pressur ...